NLP Master Practitioner Training with Dr. Ashish Sehgal, NLP Authority, Gurgaon, Delhi, India

ABNLP Certified

NLP Master Practitioner Training

NLP Accreditation & Certifications with Ashish Sehgal

NLP Master Practitioner Training at NLP Authority

Ready to refine your NLP expertise? NLP Authority’s Master Practitioner program is designed for certified NLP Practitioners seeking to elevate their skills. Led by the esteemed Dr. Ashish Sehgal, a 20+ year NLP veteran, this advanced program will propel your abilities to new heights.

The Art and Science of Advanced NLP

  • Crafting Exceptional Skills: NLP Modelling

    Achieve breakthrough results: Master the art of modeling successful individuals. Close the gap between where you are and where you want to be: Learn to model the behaviors and mindsets of high achievers.

  • The Art of Language

    Unlock the secrets of human behavior: Master the art of reading nuanced speech and behavior patterns to decode thoughts and motivations.

  • Metaphor Magic: Speak Powerfully, Think Creatively

    Weave words for change: Become a master of metaphor and strategic ambiguity to spark positive action.

  • Belief Transformation

    Discover the secrets of conversational belief change.Master the skills to guide conversations for positive change.

  • Subconscious Persuasion & Covert Hypnosis

    Take your conversations to the next level: Learn to use trance-based techniques for positive influence.Discover how to use conversational trance for growth and well-being.

Ready to take your NLP skills to the next level?

  • Master the Nuances of NLP

    Take your NLP skills to the next level: Master advanced techniques and unlock powerful applications. Learn advanced techniques and applications to tackle complex NLP challenges

  • Crack the NLP Code: Achieve Mastery

    Bridge the gap between theory and practice: Supervised application helps you confidently put your NLP knowledge into action.

  • Become an NLP Power User

    Supercharge your NLP skills: Discover powerful new tools and frameworks to take your expertise to the next level.

  • Architect Your NLP Expertise

    Master NLP, Master Yourself: This program goes beyond theory to help you refine communication, influence, and overall effectiveness

  • Unlock Your Teaching Potentia

    Become an NLP Trainer: Master Practitioner certification is your stepping stone to empowering others with the transformative power of NLP.

NLP Master Practitioner Training Structure

Ready to take your NLP skills to the next level?

This program is designed for established NLP Practitioners who want to deepen their knowledge and master advanced techniques.

What to Expect:

  • Solid NLP Foundation Required: Prior completion of an accredited NLP Practitioner program is essential.
  • Core Modules + Specialization Options: The curriculum is divided into core modules covering advanced NLP techniques, timeline therapy, meta-programs, anchoring, and resource integration. Additionally, elective modules allow you to tailor your learning to your specific interests.

Program Highlights:

  • Become an NLP Technique Master:
    • Uncover advanced language patterns that influence communication dynamics.
    • Explore submodalities, the subtle distinctions that reveal deeper meaning.
    • Learn powerful strategies for facilitating profound change and personal transformation.
  • Unlock the Power of Timelines:
    • Delve into the concept of timelines and how they impact your behavior.
    • Master timeline therapy techniques to resolve past issues and create positive change.
    • Discover regression techniques for exploring past experiences and facilitating healing.
  • Meta-Programs & Advanced Modeling:
    • Gain a deeper understanding of meta-programs, the underlying drivers of behavior.
    • Refine your ability to recognize and utilize meta-programs for impactful communication and influence.
    • Explore advanced modeling techniques to learn from the strategies of exceptional individuals.
  • Advanced Anchoring & Resource Integration:
    • Elevate your anchoring skills with sophisticated techniques for creating powerful emotional states.
    • Learn how to anchor and integrate positive resources to support personal development and well-being.

This program empowers you to:

  • Communicate and Influence with Mastery: Utilize advanced techniques to connect with others on a deeper level and inspire change.
  • Facilitate Profound Transformation: Help clients overcome challenges and achieve lasting personal growth.
  • Become an NLP Expert: Refine your skills, build confidence, and potentially pursue a career as an NLP Trainer (depending on additional qualifications).

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NLP Master Practitioner Training Modules

Module 1: Advanced Language Mastery – Unlocking the Power of Words

This module equips you with the ability to wield language with precision and purpose. You’ll delve into the subtle nuances of communication, learning to:

  • Decode Hidden Meanings: Identify micro-expressions, tonality, and unconscious language patterns to gain a deeper understanding of what lies beneath the surface.
  • The Art of Influence: Master the advanced Meta Model and Milton Model, empowering you to use metaphors, ambiguity, and embedded commands to guide conversations and inspire positive change.
  • Metaphors for Transformation: Craft and utilize powerful metaphors that spark positive shifts in mindset and behavior, helping you and others achieve desired outcomes.

By mastering these advanced language patterns and techniques, you’ll become a more influential communicator and facilitator of change.

Module 2: The Art and Science of Conversational Trance – Expanding Your Therapeutic Toolkit

This module delves into the world of trance states, providing you with advanced techniques to support positive change and growth.

  • Mastering Hypnotic Inductions: Explore a variety of powerful and ethical hypnotic induction techniques, allowing you to effectively guide clients into a state of focused awareness.
  • Trance Applications for Transformation: Learn how to utilize trance states to address various challenges, including phobias, habit change, pain management, and potentially past life regression (subject to program’s ethical guidelines).
  • The NLP-Hypnotherapy Bridge: Discover how to seamlessly integrate NLP techniques with hypnotherapy, creating a holistic approach to empower your clients on their journey of self-discovery and positive change.

By mastering these advanced skills, you’ll be well-equipped to leverage the power of trance for therapeutic purposes and support your clients in achieving their goals.

Module 3: Become a Masterful Coach – Empowering Yourself and Others

This module focuses on honing your coaching skills and developing the expertise to guide clients on their NLP journeys.

Unlock the Secrets of Excellence:

  • Modeling Mastery: Learn the art of “modeling,” extracting the behavioral patterns and thought processes of successful individuals to replicate their achievements.
  • Advanced NLP Coaching: Refine your coaching skills to effectively guide clients through NLP techniques, helping them achieve their personal development goals.

Mastering the Art of Feedback:

  • Provide Powerful Feedback: Develop the ability to give constructive and supportive feedback that fosters learning and growth in your clients.

By mastering these advanced coaching skills, you’ll be well-equipped to empower yourself and others, facilitating transformative change and personal growth.

Module 4: The NLP Master’s Toolbox – Advanced Techniques and Ethical Practice

This module equips you with cutting-edge NLP models and frameworks, while emphasizing ethical considerations in their application.

Expanding Your Horizons:

  • Advanced NLP Models & Frameworks: Explore advanced approaches like Time Line Therapy®, Neuro-Semantics®, or NLP for Business applications, broadening your understanding and intervention capabilities.

Tailored NLP Interventions:

  • Designing Effective Interventions: Master the art of crafting NLP interventions specifically tailored to meet your clients’ unique needs and desired outcomes, ensuring maximum impact.

By acquiring these advanced tools and fostering a strong ethical foundation, you’ll be well-positioned to confidently utilize NLP as a powerful agent for positive change.

Module 5: Elevate Your Impact: NLP for Career Success

This module equips you to leverage NLP for professional advancement, leadership effectiveness, and achieving your career goals.

Masterful Communication & Influence:

  • Develop Persuasive Communication: Hone your ability to communicate with clarity, build strong rapport, and influence others ethically.
  • Lead with NLP: Learn how to apply NLP techniques to enhance your leadership skills, inspire teams to excel, and manage conflict constructively.

Goal Setting & Achievement with NLP:

  • Advanced Goal Setting: Leverage NLP to set clear, compelling goals that ignite your motivation and empower you to overcome limiting beliefs.
  • Boost Your Focus & Drive: Develop laser focus and unwavering motivation to achieve your career aspirations with powerful NLP techniques.


Module 6: NLP Mastery Showcase – Apply Your Skills & Shine

This module provides a platform to showcase your NLP mastery through real-world application and presentations.

Integrate Your Learning:

  • Case Study Development: Select a real-world case study (with client consent) and design a comprehensive NLP intervention plan, demonstrating your ability to tailor NLP techniques to specific needs.

Practice Makes Perfect:

  • Live Coaching Practice: Get valuable, hands-on experience by practicing advanced NLP coaching skills with volunteer clients under the supervision of experienced trainers. Receive constructive feedback to refine your approach.

Demonstrate Your Expertise:

  • Mastery Project Presentation: Confidently present your chosen case study, intervention plan, and coaching experience. This presentation allows you to showcase your mastery of advanced NLP techniques and impress potential clients or employers.

Excellent Additional Considerations!

These points are crucial for a well-rounded NLP Master Practitioner program. Here’s how you can integrate them into your program description:

Ethical Practice:

  • Upholding the Highest Ethical Standards: Our program emphasizes the importance of adhering to a strict professional code of ethics when practicing NLP. You’ll gain a thorough understanding of ethical considerations and best practices to ensure responsible and respectful application of NLP techniques.

Lifelong Learning:

  • Commitment to Continuous Growth: The field of NLP is constantly evolving. We provide resources and guidance to support your ongoing professional development, including access to industry updates, recommended reading materials, and advanced training opportunities.

Earn Your NLP Master Practitioner Certification

Upon successful completion of all core modules, assignments, and the mastery project presentation, you’ll be awarded the prestigious Master Practitioner of NLP certification. This certification demonstrates your advanced skills and expertise in applying NLP techniques across various contexts.

Comprehensive Assessment:

Our assessment process ensures a well-rounded evaluation of your knowledge and practical abilities:

  • Written Exams: Test your understanding of key NLP concepts and principles.
  • Practical Skills Demonstrations: Showcase your mastery through live coaching simulations or client case study presentations.
  • Peer Evaluations: Gain valuable insights from fellow participants through constructive feedback exchanges.
  • Trainer Feedback: Receive personalized feedback and guidance from experienced trainers to solidify your learning.

Earning your Master Practitioner of NLP certification signifies your commitment to excellence in the field and positions you as a highly sought-after NLP professional.

Additional Considerations:

  • Code of Ethics: The program should emphasize the importance of adhering to a professional code of ethics when practicing NLP.
  • Continuous Learning: Resources and guidance for ongoing professional development and staying updated on advancements in NLP should be provided.
  • Community Building: Opportunities to connect with other NLP practitioners and create a supportive learning community can be fostered.
  • Supportive Learning Community: Empowering Connections: You’ll not only gain valuable knowledge and skills but also become part of a vibrant NLP community. We foster opportunities for you to connect and collaborate with fellow practitioners, creating a supportive network for ongoing learning and professional growth.

Elevate your NLP expertise with NLP Master Practitioner Training and join a community of elite practitioners who are making a significant impact in their lives and the lives of others. Enroll in NLP Authority’s Master Practitioner Training today and become a master of the art and science of Neuro-Linguistic Programming.

Master Your Skills. Transform Lives. NLP Master Practitioner Training – Your Journey to Excellence.

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